Tuesday, July 1, 2008

I found 'release' this morning during Zazen.

So I am kinda in trouble so I have to type this out quietly. Here's the situation. Not unlike the opposition leader in Burma (Myanmar), I get placed under house arrest from time to time. This happens when Scooter (Alec) decides to go to Zazen at 5:30 am and lock me in the dreaded, kennel.

Don't tell him, but I have a few tricks I know that I can use to open the kennel from the inside unless he latches it perfectly closed. Mindless twit that he is, this rarely happens, so I think its my duty when he tries to sneak out without me, to escape and go look for him. God only knows what dangers could befall him so I let myself out of the kennel, crawled through the cat door, opened the gate, crossed the street, jumped over Jean Marie's fence and followed the scent to her door. Problem is that the scent disappears at this point and doesn't return. What I didn't know was that Scooter and J.M. had left through her front door to go to the Zendo up the street. Since as far as I knew he was still in the house, I waited there by the door. Hey, it's what I do!

So when they got home Scooter's all bent out of shape muttering about how someone named Mako would have killed him. What a drama queen! I'm sorry that I didn't know to follow him to the Zendo up the street. I am sure then he would have felt safer.

Wait....Is that the can opener? I gotta go!


Mo said...

Such a good girl, keeping Alec busy and mindful. I'm Brian's mommy. We haven't met but Brian's sent me pictures of you and movies staring you hiking the majectic peaks at Tassajara, both of you looking very happy and content. I hope you will be able to get home soon to recieve pats, hugs and love from all your friends.
Be well and keep us in NC updated.

Ginger the Wonder Dog said...

Thanks Mo, Brian's a little slow going up the hills but its still fun to watch him play catch up. Just kidding Bri!

Thanks for writing.
